Crisis in Construction: Mental Health and Suicide Awareness
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Kathleen Dobson Angela Cloud

The crisis is real. Our industry faces more suicides than almost any other. Construction is the number one industry for number of suicides and suicide attempts with the number of suicides crossing all boundaries from trades workers to executives. Suicide is a personal issue, a family issue, even a societal issue, but it's rarely a workplace issue. ocusing on suicide prevention at work is essential, because work is where we spend the most of our time. In this presentation, we will break down the risk factors in our industry that could lead to suicidal tendencies, how we can recognize the signs and symptoms of suicide, and what steps we can take to not only raise awareness on this topic, but to also prevent suicide. Construction an industry imperative to shatter the mental health stigma and create caring cultures within our organizations. This session will provide resources and insight into reasons why the construction industry is such a target for this mental health crisis and ways to combat it within our companies.

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