Chasing the TRIR
Date & Time
Tuesday, August 27, 2024, 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Kirk Dighton

How does your company match up to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS Code) in your class? Contracting with some companies may require comparing your company’s Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) and other injury data to similar companies in the nation. If your numbers are higher than the “normal” NAICS Code, your company may not get the bid or you may have to go through a tap dance to prove your company is “safe enough” to be worthy of doing the job for your customer. This presentation, from the safety manager of D. C. Taylor Co., one of the winners of the 2024 America’s Safest Companies award, will explore methods of chasing the TRIR and creating a safe work environment for your employees where everyone wins. The employees go home at the end of the day safe and sound, and the company wins more job bids with improved safety data. Key Takeaways: • Learn to identify leadership traits that enhance incident prevention atmosphere on the worksite. • Understand how to bring the human aspect into the EHS role to enhance the proactive safety climate and achieve desired results. • Learn about the transformational and servant leadership styles that will enhance buy-in of the safety culture you desire for your company. • Learn how to influence front-line leadership to achieve improved safety performance and bring the data in line with NAICS.

Location Name
Aurora Ballroom B